Monday 7 March 2011

Vegans I Challenge You!!!...A Lesson In Saving The Environment....

Think about this for a minute....You protest, campaign about saving the planet/environment, what about saving YOUR environment, your own self sustainable universe you call a body!?

People, especially Vegans and raw foodists get angry at me for daring to live my Breatharian lifestyle and I find it hilarious because I'm more Vegan than they are, infact a Breatharian is the ultimate Vegan in every way and should be celebrated for making such a contribution to saving the environment and world we live in. The way I see it, we are all trying to do our part and there's no point in division.

Well get your head around this. If you disposed of and stopped manufacturing anything and everything associated with the production of and consumption of food, including trash, hospitals, cocktail sticks, make up and personal hygiene products, etc, etc, etc what would you have left?

Think about it....infact I challenge you to go around for one whole day and look for everything that is associated with food, then imagine it didn't exist. I mean really make a point of taking time out to look, I think when you actually make the connections, trace everything to see where it starts and ends up, you'll begin to see how everything is all related and you'll be very surprised at how much space, time and energy food takes up....then come talk to me about saving the environment....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jericho!
    I agree with you. I don't understand these divisions. Omnivores VS vegetarians, vegetarians VS vegans, vegans VS fruitarians, fruitarians VS Breatharians and all other possible combinations. We are everybody in evolution, this is the only important thing.
    I want to quote a phrase from the book I'm reading now "The Secret Life of Plants (1973)" by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, but someone said a few thousand years ago: "To those who, in all the changing facets of this universe, do not see that one, belongs to the Eternal Truth, to them and nobody else, nobody else!".
    I hope my translation is understandable, sorry.
