Tuesday 1 March 2011

Just Imagine....

Can you imagine having the most important information on the face of the earth. Information that would absolutely wipe out any teachings from any spiritual leader or spiritual practise. Information that could prevent any sickness and any disease, that could totally erase obesity, save countless lives and raise the consciousness of every man, woman and child all over the world. Information that could change the face of humanity as we know it.

Well, I have it and it's called Breatharianism, I have this sacred information that is for sacred divine light beings and not bumbling fools and skeptics to discredit, scoff at, miss-interpret or mess up, I know saying that will make me sound crazy and I know I will sound extremely arrogant but it's true, now, imagine you have all this information but you know that nobody will listen to it because they are drugged up and numbed down and to make things worst, they don't even know the messed up condition they are in, infact they don't even know it because they are happily investing their own money into their sickness and disease and everybody else has been fooled into doing the same thing so nobody knows any different.

With having this information the biggest problem I face is that it goes against everything people have been taught and conditioned to believe so to go against this automatically sets you up for ridicule and character assasination which very few people are willing to endure.

Now, just imagine that everything the body does to correct the destructive effects of eating man made food is deemed as bad by societies appointed rulers and they have conditioned you into believing that you must stop your body healing itself by either eating more artificial foods that will more than likely just end up as partially digested toxic waste stuck inside you or take more medication to desensitize yourself with so you don't feel the destruction going on from within.

Now it may seem like business as usual but the reality is that this age old practice of putting pollution in our mouths/bodies only serves to stop you from remembering who you really are and who you really are is a divine being but you would never know this because your conditioned to rely on fear, money, food, fancy clothing, fancy cars and anything else that would distract you from paying attention to what's within you.

For instance what if the feeling of "hunger" was simply the sensation of the body getting rid of whats been put inside it and trying to get the stomach back to it's original shape but in our society we are conditioned to ignore that because it's bad and we must immediately fill, distort and stretch our stomachs back to an unnatural size so we never get back to remembering what it's like to be truly natural light beings.

Infact these days the obese individual with the belly hanging over their belt is the norm and fit healthy people that are mindful of what they eat are called health "freaks" or health "nuts" go figure. So, on that note, check this out, just for a moment, imagine this.... what if food was simply a tool to control and addict the minds of the masses, what if there was actually more to the physical body than we think, what if....and here's the big one, what if the body knew exactly what to do all by itself, without the need of pizza, ice cream and beer to feed it or tell it what to do....Hmmmm....just imagine!

But with having this information, I'm not here to be anyone's guru or leader, I'm not here to get a following or fans, I got the information by working hard for it, I went through my initiations to earn the right to run my mouth off, I'm here because it's my duty as a man to look out for my fellow divine beings and to get my message out to those light beings that are ready for it. Nothing more, nothing less.

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