Wednesday 2 March 2011

Welcome To My World! A walk down Glastonbury High Street.

I was walking through Glastonbury yesterday and I went to all these esoteric stores that sold all kinds of weird and wonderful things, it was really amusing after a while because I started to notice how much "stuff" there was to buy into. The more shops I went to and the more people dressed in their weird and wonderful outfits I saw, the more it hit me that when it comes down to it all this "stuff" that we buy into is wasted because the same people that are giving the "spiritual" talks, lessons, readings and walk around in the flowing "spiritual" garments, the same people that own the weird and wonderful "spiritual" stores are the same people that are buying drugs from the local organised "legal" drug dens that we call cafes, health stores, super markets not to mention the not so legal drugs but that's another story...or maybe it isn't!?

You see, the thing is, nobody can win with me, ha,ha and I'm not picking fault with "Glasto" or the people in it because I really love the place/people and it is what it is but in my eyes, something is not right, the People can act as "spiritual" as they want to and they can sell all the "spiritual" gear that they want to but the fact remains that the same people battle with serious addictions and over indulgence, they justify it by making it fun and by addicting themselves in numbers or large groups and then it's ok because why? Because it's kick azz and everybody else is doing it that's why!

So as I continued on my journey through the high street, it just kept occuring to me that there's just so much "spiritual stuff" to buy into and do we really need so much "stuff" and out of all these "spiritual" people, who was really an example of a clear vessel, who was really an example of sacrifice and non-attachment. It really brought my own lifestyle to the forefront, I mean here's me with nothing but one set of clothes, a bunch of tattoo's and what is percieved to be a very extreme if not mentally and physically impossible lifestyle, infact according to the skeptics and naysayers, well...I take that back, according to EVERYBODY actually, by not eating and drinking I'm doing the impossible EVERYDAY!

Now with my lifestyle I could easily walk around in robes, beads and sandles, meditate/levitate 3 inches from the ground sipping morning dew off of blades of grass in the himalayas, then I'd be called an immortal and worshiped by many, but no, I'm some regular black dude covered in tattoos walking around in scruffy sweat pants, north face jacket and adidas sneakers looking like a broke fitness trainer because none of my colours match but at the end of the day, it's me that is doing the impossible everyday and as I walk through this high street it's so funny to me knowing that no one is any the wiser and if they knew what I do would they give me, this regular black dude covered in tattoo's the same treatment they reserve for their favourite yogi/guru?....hmmm I thought.

Now can you imagine that, I mean really imagine that? We all believe that it's impossible for a human to physically fly or breath under water but what if everyday you saw a guy flying past you on their way to work or some lady breathing underwater while like it was no big deal. What would you think? What would you do? Now be honest, would you spend your time trying to figure out how they are scamming you, would you throw a million and one dumb azz questions at them so you can find cracks in their story? Well, luckily for me my lifestyle isn't as visually spectacular as those two examples but in most peoples eyes it's as equally amazing.

So anyway, here I am doing the impossible everyday and walking through "Glasto" I'm enjoying looking at flyers stuck up on anything that is upright of who the latest "yogi" or "guru" that every ones currently attached to and wondering how many of those guys are doing what I do and how many of those guys will suffer from some sickness or disease, how many of those guys have really dealt with their shit on an emotion and physical level, I mean, I already know that you can be as "spiritual" as you want but can you maintain a stable and loving intimate relationship or will you freak out and turn into an instant butt head like the rest of us when things get too intimate or when your other half gets all up in your space and wants to buy matching toothbrushes or begins talking about commitment, marriage, babies?

These are the kind of questions that spring up in my mind when I get exposed to "yogi's" or "guru's" because with my life experience, I ain't even looking at following anybody that hasn't figured out the connection between the decline in the mental and physical state of divine light beings and the addiction to and consumption of food cooked or otherwise. If these folks ain't figured this out by now then I ain't following, but then I'm not much of a follower anyway.

On my walk I noticed "spiritual" people standing in my way as I was trying to walk down the street and almost all of the people were simply stood talking about the latest "spiritual" findings/experience and it occured to me how people love to exercise their interlect but don't want to exercise their bodies. They want the pleasure but they don't want the pain, now I'm not saying that pain is good or that it's even something you need in your life but to me there must be a balance and not just an attitude of how much pleasure and stimulation can someone fit in a lifetime or an attitude of let me saturate myself with pleasure so I can self medicate and escape my excuse of an shitty existance.

Then it all occurred to me that people really don't know or can't do any better and they just go along coasting along within their own comfort levels, no one is really out to make any sacrifice or deprive themselves of any pleasure, but then I thought well... why haven't these "spiritual" people been warned by there "angels" or "guides" to change their diet and if they have why hasn't action been taken, I mean can you just imagine a bunch of high vibrating light beings dedicated to taking back their soveriegnty unrestricted by mental or physical addiction and controlled by no one but their higher selves.

Wow, welcome to my world I thought. A bunch of light beings that demand health and getting back to their original human blue print as their birth right and strive to live a true highly conscious, healthy life as true light beings, that don't need to wear white linen, wooden beads and sandles to be "spiritual" or buy into a bunch of "spiritual stuff" because they ARE the "spiritual beings" and they are the "spiritual stuff" through their OWN sacrifice, work and efforts. Wow, what a bunch of inspirational beings they would be to the world and at that point I was disturbed from my day dream/thought by a guy pointing to and complaining about a pile of fresh dog shit that I was about to step into. Now why didn't my third eye see that....

1 comment:

  1. I wonder about this often too.
    These gurus and how they are sometimes overweight, uncomfortable in their bodies, still eat crap, and suffer from disease and chronic illness, but are considered "enlightened."
    I understand the concept of some sadhus dropping all identity and just taking food they are given as an exercise in living in the moment/trust. They are supposedly content no matter what the outer situation (body ailments). But if they are so unattached, why the attachment still to food- especially to specific types of food? Or specific types of clothing that several generations before them 'deemed' holy? It's supposedly freedom but still looks like a trap from the outside sometimes.
